Trains in Russia

Powered by Tutu.Travel - the most popular travel agency in Russia
Dear friends! Welcome to Russia!

Here you will find the most detailed information about the Russian railways - timetables, types of trains and carriages, how to buy cheap tickets, tips, lifehacks, useful words and phrases in Russian and much more
Please note - our website is a partner of the largest Russian travel agency Tutu.Travel
Ticket prices are slightly more expensive than the carrier. However, this price also includes additional services, such as very detailed interface in English, quick purchase without login, sales start notifications, early pre-order booking, cancellation insurance.

You can also buy tickets directly from the carrier - on the website of Russian Railways
However, there most of the services presented above will be unavailable.

How to book a Russian train ticket

It`s very easy! Your ticket is four steps away from you!
Select a route
Fill out the form
Enter deparure + destination points and date of travel
Choose a train and seats
All you need to know about types of trains and rail cars in Russia is here
Enter ID data of passengers (passport only!)
Pay for tickets by card
It is safe
Info about Russian money, payment options and currency converter see here
Almost done!
Your ticket is ready. Check notifications in postbox and phone.
Important! Learn check-in rules

Ticket sale is available up to 45 - 120 days prior to the departure, depending on direction and the type of train. Book early for cheap flights!

Travel to Russia by rail

There are several rail routes between Russia and Europe. For example, Paris - Moscow, Berlin - Moscow and others. However, we do not recommend using this way of access to Russia, as the duration of travel is too long (2 - 3 days one way)
Excluding routes from (to) Finland, Estonia and Latvia - Read more

Ticket sale is available up to 45 - 90 days prior to the departure, depending on direction. Book early for cheap flights! Learn types of trains and railcars before buying tickets. Also read the rules and follow our advices.
Have questions? Answers are here. Have a pleasant jorney!
VERY IMPORTANT! Due to disagreements on immigration issues between the governments of Russia and the Republic of Belarus (most of the rail and bus routes from Europe to Russia pass through the territory of the Republic of Belarus), foreign citizens cannot cross the border of these countries by ground in any direction - from Belarus to Russia or back. With one exception only!
Be sure to read DETAIL WARNING!

HESINKI, FINLAND - Allegro and Tolstoy trains

How to get to Russia by train from

most popular railway routes
click button to see detailed information and book tickets



VERY IMPORTANT! Entry to Russia from Republic of Belarus is prohibited!

Unfortunately now, due to disagreements between the governments of Russia and the Republic of Belarus, entry to the Russian Federation from the territory of the Republic of Belarus and back by any means of transport other than airplanes is possible only for citizens of these countries.

Even if you have an Russian entry visa (or you not need a visa), you will be denied entry to Russia from the territory of the Republic of Belarus or back. Do not buy train or bus tickets, the route of which begins or passes on the territory of the Republic of Belarus!

There are no official ground border points between the Republic of Belarus and Russia (with one exception - see below) - it`s impossible to put an entry stamp in passport. Even if you manage to enter Russia from Belarus or back (often there is no control), then this will be considered an illegal border crossing and when leaving Russia you will receive a large penalty and a ban on entry to Russia up to 5 years.

Enter to Russia legally from Belarus is possible only by plane or using our lifehack
✔ From Minsk to Moscow or St Petersburg by airplane

Important! When using direct flights between Belarus and Russia, foreigners cannot use a visa-free regime to enter Belarus! Entry to Russia from Belarus (flights from/to Minsk) for foreign citizens is possible only with a valid visa (in addition to a visa to enter Russia) of the Republic of Belarus! Besides, require Russian border officers an entry and exit stamps in the passport!

✔ The second way for those who are in a difficult situation. Currently, it is a single legal way to enter Russia from Belarus by ground.

The only legal ground border crossing point from Belarus to Russia is called "Three Sisters" (the borders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine in one point). View on the map

What you need to do to get for example to Moscow through 'Three Sisters'

1) Take a train, bus (or taxi ~120 USD in BYN) to the city of Gomel (Homiel, train station)

2) Take a taxi to Novozybkov, Russia through 'Three sisters'
(no public transport on this route ~70USD in BYN or RUR).
Travel time approx 2,5 hours + 2 borders

3) Important! Require border officers an exit (Belarus) and entry (Russia) stamp in the passport!
4) Take a direct train from Novozybkov to Moscow
5) Need accomodation? Look here Minsk Gomel Novozybkov

Good luck!

Visa-free entry to Belarus and exit from are legal only through the Minsk airport!

IMPORTANT! Even the presence of visas of Russia and Belarus does not give the right to cross the Russian-Belarusian ground state border (with one exception - see above).

If first you arrived to Russia through official border crossing points, then you have a small chance to border crossing from Russia to Belarus by train or bus (sometimes no border control). However remember, that formally it is still a violation of the law (see above). In addition, if you leave Belarus to a third country, then formally it will be considered that you did not leave Russia (no official ground border crossing points between Russia and Belarus - no Russian exit stamp).

Also, when leaving Russia to Belarus by ground, you will not be able to legally return to Russia. Currently, there is a only one legal way (border crossing point) to enter Russia from Belarus or back by ground - see above.

Through Russia by train

Traveling by train is a great adventure, where you will discover the real Russia. Ticket sale is available up to 90 - 120 days prior to the departure, depending on direction and the type of train. Book early for cheap flights!

Also, that you have only good memories, please learn types of Russian trains and railcars, read the rules and follow our advices. If you have any questions - the answers are here. Have a nice trip!

SAPSAN high speed, night, long distance trains

From Moscow by train to

most popular railway routes
click button to see detailed information and book tickets

Types of Russian trains

In Russia, the class of long distance trains depends on the average speed on the route. Please ckeck train number (flight number) before buying tickets.

Ordinary trains
Flight numbers 301-698. Average speed on the route less than 50 km/h - multiple and long stops.
Fast trains
Flight numbers 001-298. Average speed on the route from 50 to 90 km/h - multiple, but short stops.
Express trains
Flight numbers 701-750. Average speed on the route is above 90 km/h (usually 150 km/h) - a few short stops.
High-speed trains
Flight numbers 751-788. The average speed on the highway is at least 150 km/h - almost without stops.

Besides (regardless of train speed), there are so-called branded trains - in addition to the flight number, the train has a name. In such trains, service level is somewhat higher than in regular.

Detailed info about 'Sapsan' high-speed train between Moscow and St Petersburg
For Russians - trains are the most popular way to travel through country. Due to the large distances between cities, night trains are the most common. Therefore, Russian trains consist mostly of sleeping rail cars (with the exception of high-speed trains, eg. 'Sapsan' - only sitting carriages of the 2nd and 1st classes). Want to know more

The type of cars and rules for passengers do not always coincide with European or American conditions. The main rule in Russian trains is - almost all types of rail cars (with the exception of the most expensive ones, eg. De Luxe), are hostels on wheels. Sold individual places and not the whole compartment. The cabins are shared with other travelers. Sometimes (not always) you can choose a cabin for women only. If you would like to travel without other passengers at the same compartment, must to buy all vacant places in the cabin.

On the Russian railways, the following four types of carriages are widespread. Find out how they differ from each other and your journey will turn into an interesting adventure and acquaintance with Russian traditions!
3rd class
1st class
2nd class
Sitting car
This is the cheapest travel option. But be careful - in fact there are several classes of sitting railcars in long distance trains! Check type of sitting carriage before buying tickets! Pay attention to the digit in the binary code after the type of car. For example, could it be 1C, 2P, 3E and others

1 - Rows of seats 2 + 1 - up to 48 seats
2 - Rows of seats 2 + 2 - up to 68 seats
3 - Rows of seats 2 + 3 or 3 + 3 - over 68 seats

Digits 1 and 2 (sitting 1st and 2nd classes carriages - usually high speed trains Sapsan train between Moscow and St Petersburg) are similar to business and comfort airplane seats. 3rd cl. cars can be similar to economy airplane seats. But! There can also be the simplest seats as on commuter trains. In some regional trains, a sleeping 3rd class can be used as a sitting car, where up to 3 passengers can be accommodated on a berth.

Our recommendation is no more than 5-6 hrs travel in such a carriage. This is a good option for a trip by day express, for example from Moscow to St. Petersburg or Nizhny Novgorod or short distances. Look at the diagram and the real photo to know more.
Types of Russian trains, rail cars and cabins. Sitting 4th class carriages
Sleeping 3rd class
In Russian - 'PLATSKART'. The cheapest and because most popular sleeping carriage. For Russians. Imagine 9 six-bed (three bunk beds) mixed dormitory rooms which there are no doors and screens, two toilets and hot water point - this is the Russian 3rd class sleeping coach

Note! Not only teens and backpackers travel in these cars - absolutely everything, incl seniors. Therefore, it is good to know not only the official rules, but also informal - ones, the most important of which is to make friends with fellow travelers.

Our recommendation is no more than one night in such a carriage. Alas, road romance ends quickly. Berths no 1, 2, and 35-54 are shorter by 15 cm. Look at the diagram and the real photo to know more.
Types of Russian trains, rail cars and cabins. Sleepping 3rd class (4+2 berth compartment without door)
Sleeping 2nd class
In Russian - 'KOU-PE'. 4-berth (two bunk beds) mixed or for woman only closed cabins. Usually 9 cabins and two toilets. No sold whole compartment - individual places only. Want to travel without other passengers? Must to buy all vacant places in the cabin.

The best combination of price and quality. In branded trains, inside cabins may be (not always) LCD TV, Wi-Fi. Also a higher level of service may be offered. Absolutely everything types of travelers use these cars - teens, families, seniors. Therefore, it is good to know not only the official rules, but also informal - ones, the most important of which is to make friends with fellow travelers.

Our recommendation is no more than two nights in such a carriage, with the exception of special routes (eg. Trans-Siberian). Too long and unprofitable. Cabin no 9 (seats 32-36) are close to WC. Look at the diagram, the real photo and also 3-D tour to know more.
Types of Russian trains, rail cars and cabins. Sleepping 2nd class (4-berth compartment)
Sleeping 1st class
In Russian - 'ES-VE'. 2-berth (two lower beds or 1 bunk bed) mixed or for woman only closed cabins. Usually 9 cabins and two toilets. No sold whole compartment - individual places only. Want to travel without other passenger? Must to buy all places in the cabin.

The best option for two friends or for a small family. If you travel alone, then buy second place and make a VIP trip. Or learn formal and informal rules - ones, the most important of which is to make friend with fellow traveler. In branded trains, inside cabins may be (not always) LCD TV, Wi-Fi, Shower. Also a higher level of service may be offered, for example meal and drinks for free. Because of expensive cost - there will be no noisy teens and large families.

Our recommendation is no more than two nights in such a carriage, with the exception of special routes (eg. Trans-Siberian). Too long and unprofitable. Cabin no 9 (seats 17-18) are close to WC. Look at the diagram, the real photo and also 3-D tour to know more.
Types of Russian trains, rail cars and cabins. Sleepping 1st class (2-berth compartment)
You can buy a ticket at self-service terminals. Machines have an English-speaking interface.
If you have any difficulties - contact the special assistants or the cashier. Just say the name of the destination, type of train or depart time, the number and type (one way / round trip) of tickets.
How to ask in Russian

The passenger must always have a ticket - even when exiting the train. The stations have barriers, so you can not leave without a ticket - you will have to buy a special penalty pass. But there is also a small bonus - the entrance to the toilets at the stations (often paid) upon presentation of the ticket is free.

Suburban & regional trains

Cost of travel
The fare depends on the distance traveled. You can calculate the cost here
Note! The fare in express trains called Lastochka (in English - Swallow) and also in comfortable trains may be higher than in ordinary commuter trains. If so, then tickets purchased at the fare for ordinary trains, including round-trip tickets are not valid in express and comfortable trains.
Study the schedule before buying tickets. Express and comfortable trains are marked with an asterisk ★ or letter K.

In this case, we recommend buying one-way tickets only or round-trip tickets right away at the rate of express/comfort trains - they are valid everywhere and not much more expensive.

By cash
You can always buy a ticket for cash at cashbox, self-service ticket machines or on board. Note! When purchasing a ticket on board, an additional fee may be charged.

By credit card
Payment for travel is possible by cards MasterCard and Visa - at ticket offices and self-service ticket machines only. Payment by cards on board of local trains is not possible.

By smartphone and other gadgets
If you have a device synchronized with your Visa or MasterCard, you can pay for travel on suburban train in the same way as for holders of 'plastic'

Travelling with children
Сhildren under the age of 7 (regardless of citizenship) always travel free when accompanied by a adult passenger with a ticket. You must have a document to prove the child's age. Children under the age of 7 are not allowed to travel unaccompanied.

Note! If you travel on a suburban train with children under 7 years old - you must get a free ticket at the ticket office at the station or on board the train. Discounts for children over seven years are valid only for Russian citizens, all the others must buy a ticket for the full cost.

Discounts for students, teens and seniors

Discounts for children over seven years, students and seniors are valid only for Russian citizens, all the others must buy a ticket for the full cost.


If you buy a ticket on board, in addition to a single-journey ticket you must pay a special fee (except for boarding at stations without a ticket office). If the conductor was not on the train or you lost the ticket, you will have to pay a penalty pass at the destination station.

If you don't pay the penalty fare, you can be arrested by the police

How to say it in Russian?
See here
Unfortunately, the website where you can get the schedule of suburban trains is available in Russian only. But, this is not a problem - we will help you!

1) First, open website

2) Next, enter in the first field (Откуда) the departure station in Russian.
Enter the destination station in the second field (Куда).
About how to do it - just below. If you need to reverse direction - click arrow between fields.

3) Select a date. If you need a schedule for today (Сегодня), then do not enter anything in the third field.

4) Click on "Показать расписание" (Show schedule)
Almost done!

The first three values - departure time, arrival time and travel time.
Next the direction is indicated (train departure station and ending station).
In addition, cost of ticket is indicated on the right. If it is express train - on the left there will be an asterisk and word in Russian 'Ласточка'.

Desktop versionMobile version

How to correctly enter station names in Russian?

  • Copy and paste in the appropriate fields the station names (bold font)
  • Click on the name of the station in the drop-down list (if your browser showed it)
  • Select the date and click 'Show schedule' (see points 3 and 4 above)

for travel to / from Moscow
see station list here

for travel to / from St Petersburg
see station list here

region of Sochi (south of Russia)
see station list here

Have a nice trip!
Everything you wanted to know
but were afraid to ask
Rail tours
Special tourist and yourself made railway tours.
Local and intercity, incl Trans-Siberian.
Rules and FAQ
Some Russian road customs may surprise you. Find out which ones.
How to say it in Russian
Often Russians don`t speak English.
Our useful phrasebook will help you!


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