Local trains in Saint Petersburg


Online helper for travelers
General info
The locals call commuter trains as 'ELECTRICHKA'
In St Petersburg they are not included in the general system of public transport. However, with their help, city`s visitors can get to the famous fountains in Peterhof, palaces and parks in Gatchina, Pavlovsk and Tsarskoe Selo, to medieval Vyborg and many other suburban tourist attractions.

Have a nice trip!
Info about long-distance trains see here

Whither & Whence
Station of departure - 'Baltiyskiy vokzal'
Destination - 'Novyy Petergof'
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - half-day min.
Departure from:
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' train station - metro 'Baltiyskaya' (line M1)

Trains to (directions):
Oranienbaum, Kalishche, Lebyazh`ye

Directions in Russian:

Station of destination:
'Novyy Petergof' / НОВЫЙ ПЕТЕРГОФ

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
about 40 min

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!

For some reason, many foreign tourists choose 'Stary Peterhof' (Old Peterhof) station. It is wrong. This is not a fatal mistake, but you will lose time. Pay attention! Your right destination is 'Novyy Peterhof' (New Peterhof)!

Tourist attractions (fountains) in Peterhof are located far from the railway station. Therefore, we recommend using public transport (bus 356 or 351A approx every 10 min)

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's your route - choose one of the tabs: Driving, Transit, Walking etc.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help or ...

Take a taxi!
It's a good idea! If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive.
In Peterhof, there are no large local carriers, with the exception of aggregators Yandex Taxi (valid link to the whole route) and Gett. However, to order from them, you will have to install the corresponding app on your gadget.

So you will need instructions for ordering a taxi by phone from small local companies or directly on the street. So it will be better and faster!

Use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:
I need taxi to fountains - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA FANTANAF
I need taxi to train station - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA STANTSI NOVYI PETERGOF

The rules of Russian pronunciation

Near train station there are always several taxi cars.
On the way back, if you do not see the car directly in front of you, call one of the taxi services of Peterhof:

Taxi Apelsin +7812 455 8888
Taxi Alloe +7812 385 5550
Taxi Dialog +7812 450 6565

Say to the operator
(I need a taxi from adress Razvodnaya str. 9) Link to live sound
and please, wait a taxi here !!!

Agree on a price in advance! The cost of a one-way trip from / to Peterhof Train Station (Novy Petergof) is about 200 ₽.
Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Station of departure - 'Baltiyskiy vokzal'
Destination - 'Oranienbaum -1'
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - half-day min.
Departure from:
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' train station - metro 'Baltiyskaya' (line M1)

Trains to (directions):
Oranienbaum, Kalishche, Lebyazh`ye

Directions in Russian:

Station of destination:
'Oranienbaum - 1' / ОРАНИЕНБАУМ - 1

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
about 55 min

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!

Tourist attractions (Palaces and parks) in Oranienbaum are located at a distance of about 1 km from the station. You can walk this distance or use public transport (bus approx every 30 min)

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's your route - choose one of the tabs: Driving, Transit, Walking etc.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help or ...

Take a taxi!
It's a good idea! If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive.
In Oranienbaum (Lomonosov) there are no large local carriers, with the exception of aggregators Yandex Taxi (valid link to the whole route) and Gett. However, to order from them, you will have to install the corresponding app on your gadget.

So you will need instructions for ordering a taxi by phone from small local companies or directly on the street. So it will be better and faster!

Use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:
I need taxi to train station - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA STANTSI ORANIENBAUM

The rules of Russian pronunciation

Near train station there are always several taxi cars.
On the way back, if you do not see the car directly in front of you, call one of the taxi services of Lomonosov:

Taxi Alloe +7812 385 5550
Taxi Dialog +7812 450 6565

Say to the operator
(I need a taxi from adress Dvortsovyy av. 50 - at the bus stop)
and please, wait a taxi here !!!

Agree on a price in advance! The cost of a one-way trip from / to Lomonosov (Oranienbaum-1) Train Station is about 200 ₽.
Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Station of departure - 'Baltiyskiy vokzal'
Destination - 'Gatchina Baltiyskaya'
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - half-day min.
Departure from:
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' train station - metro 'Baltiyskaya' (line M1)

Trains to (directions):
Gatchina + (any - Varshavskaya or Baltiyskaya)

Directions in Russian:
ГАТЧИНА + (any - Варшавская or Балтийская)

Station of destination:
'Gatchina Baltiyskaya' / ГАТЧИНА БАЛТИЙСКАЯ

Please note!
In the city of Gatchina there are two train stations 'Gatchina' -
  1. 'Gatchina Baltiyskaya' and
  2. 'Gatchina Varshavskaya'
Do not mistake - your station is 'Gatchina Baltiyskaya'

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
about 1 hour

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Train station is located in close proximity to the attractions

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's your route - choose one of the tabs: Driving, Transit, Walking etc.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Stations of departure -
'Vitebskiy vokzal' or 'Kupchino'
Destination -
'Tsarskoye Selo' (Pushkin)
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - half-day min.
Departure from:
'Vitebskiy vokzal' train station -
metro 'Pushkinskaya' (line M1) and 'Zvenigorodskaya' (M5)
or 'Kupchino' train station - metro 'Kupchino' (line M2)

Trains to (directions):
Any from St Petersburg

Directions in Russian:
Any from St Petersburg

Station of destination:
'Tsarskoye Selo' / ЦАРСКОЕ СЕЛО

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
from/to 'Vitebskiy v.' - about 35 min
from/to 'Kupchino' - about 15 min

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!

Tourist attractions (Palaces and parks) in Pushkin are located at a distance of more than 2 km from the station 'Tsarskoye Selo'. You can walk this distance or use public transport (buses and shared taxis 371, 377, 382 approx every 15 min)

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's your route - choose one of the tabs: Driving, Transit, Walking etc.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help or ...

Take a taxi!
It's a good idea! If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive.

In Pushkin, there are no large local carriers, with the exception of aggregators YandexTaxi (valid link to the whole route) and Gett
However, to order from them, first you will have to install app on your gadget.

So you will need instructions for ordering a taxi by phone from small local companies or directly on the street. So it will be better and faster!

Use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:

The rules of Russian pronunciation

Near train station there are always several taxi cars.
On the way back, if you do not see the car directly in front of you, call one of the taxi services of Pushkin:

Taxi Elegia +7812 451 8080
Taxi MIG +7812 715 3033
Taxi Park +7812 677 3939

Say to the operator
(I need a taxi from adress Leont`yevskaya str. 9, at the bus stop) Link to live sound
and please, wait a taxi here !!!

Agree on a price in advance! The cost of a one-way trip from / to Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin) Train Station is about 200 ₽.
Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Stations of departure -
'Vitebskiy vokzal' or 'Kupchino'
Destination -
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - half-day min.
Departure from:
'Vitebskiy vokzal' train station -
metro 'Pushkinskaya' (line M1) and 'Zvenigorodskaya' (M5)
or 'Kupchino' train station - metro 'Kupchino' (line M2)

Trains to (directions):
Any from St Petersburg

Directions in Russian:
Any from St Petersburg

Station of destination:
'Pavlovsk' / ПАВЛОВСК

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
from/to 'Vitebskiy v.' - about 40 min
from/to 'Kupchino' - about 20 min

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!

Tourist attractions (Palaces and parks) in Pavlovsk are located at a distance of more than 2 km from the station 'Pavlovsk'. You can walk this distance or use public transport (buses and shared taxis approx every 10 min)

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's your route - choose one of the tabs: Driving, Transit, Walking etc.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help or ...

Take a taxi!
It's a good idea! If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive.

In Pavlovsk there are no large local carriers, with the exception of aggregators YandexTaxi (valid link to the whole route) and Gett
However, to order from them, first you will have to install app on your gadget.

So you will need instructions for ordering a taxi by phone from small local companies or directly on the street. So it will be better and faster!

Use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:

The rules of Russian pronunciation

Near train station there are always several taxi cars.
On the way back, if you do not see the car directly in front of you, call one of the taxi services of Pavlovsk:

Taxi Elegia +7812 451 8080
Taxi MIG +7812 715 3033
Taxi Park +7812 677 3939

Say to the operator
(I need a taxi from Pavel Palace, at the bus stop)
and please, wait a taxi here !!!

Agree on a price in advance! The cost of a one-way trip from / to Pavlovsk Train Station is about 200 ₽.
Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Stations of departure -
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' or 'Udelnaya'
Destination - 'Vyborg'
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - full day min.
Departure from:
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' train station -
metro 'Ploshchad` Lenina' (line M1)
or 'Udelnaya' train station - metro 'Udelnaya' (line M2)

Trains to (directions):

Directions in Russian:

Station of destination:
'Vyborg' / ВЫБОРГ

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
from/to 'Finlyandskiy v.' - 2h15 min / 1h15min (express)
from/to 'Udelnaya' - 2h / 1h5min (express)

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!
Vyborg is a interesting town with a long history. So we recommend that you stay here for a full day and perhaps even better to take a hotel. Believe, here is many things to do!

As a trip planner we recommend using Google services. Here's e.g. your route from train station to Vyborg Castle.
If you have any questions, get Google Maps Help

If you need a taxi
If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive.

In Vyborg there are no large local carriers..
So you will need instructions for ordering a taxi by phone from small local companies or directly on the street. So it will be better and faster!

Use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:
Taxi to .. - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA .. + your adress
Taxi to train station - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA VAKZALA

The rules of Russian pronunciation

Near train station there are always several taxi cars.
On the way back, if you do not see the car directly in front of you, call one of the taxi services of Vyborg:

Taxi 7 +7813 782 7770
Taxi Fortuna +7911 000 0098

Say to the operator / driver
MNE NUZHNA TAXI AT .. + your adress
(I need a taxi from ..+ your adress
MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA .. + your adress
(I need a taxi to ..+ your adress)

Agree on a price in advance! The price of travel by taxi within Vyborg usually is about 200 - 250 ₽
Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.

See also How to buy a Russian SIM card
and not overpay for calls and internet connection
Lenin tent 'hut' museum
(in Russian 'Shalash')
Stations of departure -
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' or 'Staraya Derevnya'
Destination - 'Tarkhovka'
Time needed to see attractions -
incl round trip - one third of day
Departure from:
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' train station -
metro 'Ploshchad` Lenina' (line M1)
or 'Staraya Derevnya' train station - metro 'Staraya Derevnya' (line M5)

Trains to (directions):
Sestroretsk, Beloostrov

Directions in Russian:

Station of destination:
'Tarkhovka' / ТАРХОВКА

Reverse direction:

Duration of one-way travel:
from/to 'Finlyandskiy v.' - about 50 min
from/to 'Staraya Derevnya' - about 30 min

How to find out schedule:
See here

How & where to buy a ticket:
information available here

Please note!
Lenin`s tent museum 'Hut' ('Shalash') in Razliv is located at a distance of about 4,5 km from train station 'Tarkhovka'. Unfortunately, there is no way to get to the museum by public transport.

You can walk this distance - your route (as a trip planner we recommend using Google services - if you have any questions, get Google Maps Help) is very picturesque, especially in summer. But it is better to take a taxi - at least one way.

How to call a taxi
If you follow the safety rules and our recommendations, it will be easy and inexpensive. Although for trips trough St Petersburg we usually recommend 'Taxovichkof', but in this particular case it is better to call a YandexTaxi (valid link to the whole route). So it will be faster and cheaper!

You can call a taxi online via apps Android or iOS, and via website (and also by phone +7812 366 6666). Enter points of departure and destination (manually or copy and paste)

From / to train station - Fedotovskaya dorozhka, 33
From / to Lenin`s museum - doroga k Shalashu Lenina, 1Е

Important! If you called a cab from train station, please wait a taxi here

Manual for calling a taxi by phone
Call +7812 366 6666 and use our useful dictionary, as well as the following phrases:

(I need a taxi from train station - at the bus stop)
Taxi to train station - TAXI DA STANTSI TARKHOVKA
Taxi from Lenin`s museum - TAXI AT SHALASHA LENINA
Taxi to Lenin`s museum - TAXI DA SHALASHA LENINA
Taxi to .. - MNE NUZHNA TAXI DA .. + your adress
Taxi from - MNE NUZHNA TAXI AT .. + your adress

Important! If you called a cab from train station, please wait a taxi here

The rules of Russian pronunciation

The cost of travel
The price of one way travel by taxi between train staion 'Tarkhovka' and Lenin`s museum usually is about 200 - 250 ₽. If you see the car (local carrier) directly in front of you, agree on a price in advance!

Local taxi drivers more often do not accept bank cards for payment - please, prepare cash in advance.
Fares & Tickets
Good to know
The passenger must always have a ticket - even when exiting the train. The stations have barriers, so you can not leave without a ticket - you will have to buy a special penalty pass.

But there is also a small bonus - the entrance to the toilets at the stations (often paid) upon presentation of the ticket is free.

Cost of travel
The fare depends on the distance traveled. You can calculate the cost here
Note! The fare in express trains called Lastochka (in English - Swallow) and also in comfortable trains is higher than in ordinary commuter trains. Tickets purchased at the fare for ordinary trains, including round-trip tickets are not valid in express/comfortable trains.
Study the schedule before buying tickets. Express and comfortable trains are marked with an asterisk ★ or letter K.

In this case, we recommend buying one-way tickets only or round-trip tickets right away at the rate of express/comfort trains - they are valid everywhere and not much more expensive.

How to buy a ticket
Note! You can buy a ticket at self-service terminals. Machines have an English-speaking interface. To buy tickets for ordinary commuter trains - click the blue tab 'Suburban trains", to buy a ticket for comfortable and express train (Lastochka) - click green tab 'Comfortable trains'.
If you have any difficulties - contact the special assistants or the cashier. Just say the name of the destination, type of train or depart time, the number and type (one way / round trip) of tickets.
How to say it in Russian? See below!

By cash
You can always buy a ticket for cash at cashbox, self-service ticket machines or on board. Note! When purchasing a ticket on board, an additional fee may be charged.

By credit card
It is possible to pay with cards Visa, MasterCard and some others (see payments in Russia) - both at ticket offices and at self-service ticket machines. Payment by cards on board local trains is also possible. However, for the operation of a mobile payment terminal, a stable GSM connection is necessary, which is not always available on the road. Therefore, just in case (as always in Russia), put some cash in your pocket.

By smartphone and other gadgets
If you have a device synchronized with your Visa or MasterCard, you can pay for travel on suburban train in the same way as for holders of 'plastic'

By long-term travelcard
Note! The PODOROZHNIK card is valid in commuter trains only upon the addition of a special electronic ticket at the ticket offices or self-service terminals at stations only
To purchase e-tickets by PODOROZHNIK card at any train stations, you first need to activate your travel card at the ticket offices at the main railway stations of St. Petersburg - Moskovskiy vokzal, Vitebskiy vokzal, Baltiyskiy vokzal, Finlyandskiy vokzal.

Travelling with children
Сhildren under the age of 7 (regardless of citizenship) always travel free when accompanied by a adult passenger with a ticket. You must have a document to prove the child's age. Children under the age of 7 are not allowed to travel unaccompanied.

Note! If you travel on a suburban train with children under 7 years old - you must get a free ticket at the ticket office at the station or on board the train. Discounts for children over seven years are valid only for Russian citizens, all the others must buy a ticket for the full cost.

Discounts for students, teens and seniors

Discounts for children over seven years, students and seniors are valid only for Russian citizens, all the others must buy a ticket for the full cost.


If you buy a ticket on board, in addition to a single-journey ticket you must pay a special fee (except for boarding at stations without a ticket office). If the conductor was not on the train or you lost the ticket, you will have to pay a penalty pass at the destination station.

If you don't pay the penalty fare, you can be arrested by the police

How to say it in Russian?
If you have any difficulties - contact the special assistants or the cashier. Just say the name of the destination, type of train or depart time, the number and type (one way / round trip) of tickets.

TOLKA TUDA - One way
TUDA I ABRATNA - Round trip

The rules of Russian pronunciation

ADIN BILET - One ticket
DVA BILETA - Two tickets
TRI BILETA - Three tickets
(Link to sound)

Need more? Learn numbers in Russian

How to find out the schedule
Unfortunately, the website where you can get the schedule of suburban trains is available in Russian only. But, this is not a problem - we will help you!

1) First, open tutu.ru/prigorod website

2) Next, enter in the first field (Откуда) the departure station in Russian.
Enter the destination station in the second field (Куда).
About how to do it - just below. If you need to reverse direction - click arrow between fields.

3) Select a date. If you need a schedule for today (Сегодня), then do not enter anything in the third field.

4) Click on "Показать расписание" (Show schedule)

Almost done!

The first three values - departure time, arrival time and travel time.
Next the direction is indicated (train departure station and ending station).
In addition, cost of ticket is indicated on the right. If it is express train - on the left there will be an asterisk and word in Russian 'Ласточка'.

Desktop versionMobile version

How to correctly enter station names in Russian?

  • Copy and paste in the appropriate fields the station names (bold font)*
  • Click on the name of the station in the drop-down list (if your browser showed it)
  • Select the date and click 'Show schedule' (see points 3 and 4 above)
  • * - or just click on the route and select a date
for travel to Peterhof
St Petersburg
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Балт
'Novyy Petergof' - Новый Петергоф
for travel to Oranienbaum
St Petersburg
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Балт
'Oranienbaum 1' - Ораниенбаум-1
for travel to Gatchina
St Petersburg
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Балт
'Gatchina Baltiyskaya' - Гатчина Балтийская
for travel to Tsarskoe Selo
St Petersburg
'Vitebskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Вит
or 'Kupchino' - Купчино
Tsarskoe Selo
'Tsarskoye Selo' - Царское Село
for travel to Pavlovsk
St Petersburg
'Vitebskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Вит
or 'Kupchino' - Купчино
'Pavlovsk' - Павловск
for travel to Vyborg
St Petersburg
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Фин
or 'Udelnaya' - Удельная
'Vyborg' - Выборг
for travel to Lenin`s museum
St Petersburg
'Finlyandskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Фин
or 'Staraya Derevnya' - Старая деревня
Lenin`s museum
'Tarkhovka' - Тарховка
for travel to Veliky Novgorod
St Petersburg
'Moskovskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Главн
Veliky Novgorod
'Novgorod-na-Volkhove' - Великий Новгород
for travel to Pskov
St Petersburg
'Baltiyskiy vokzal' - Санкт-Петербург-Балт
'Pskov Passazhirskiy' - Псков-Пасс
Tickets available online - click button 'Купить'
Did not find the desired station? Open Google Map, copy the name in Russian and paste it in the appropriate field to search for the schedule.
Have a nice trip!


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